Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Here's what's going on...

Marvel's still promoting the hell out of GotG...which is good.
Yet showing more content from the film to do so bugs me. I don't want to see the film before I see the film. I know I'm in the minority, but this is just a shade away from being a spoiler.
Mrs. Adorkification and I finally saw THG: CF last night.
I liked it, but at one point shouted to her and Adorkette (both of whom read all the books) if Snow eventually dies. They didn't tell me. Then I got all upity as I tried to figure out how one person can take down a government (surprise, she can't...but will even though she doesn't want to). I was reminded of Philip Seymour Hoffman's tragic death, how awesome Donald Sutherland was in Pride and Prejudice, that that guy was engaged to Miley Cyrus, that that other guy would make a great Aquaman, and that Peeta really doesn't have any kind of skill whatsoever.
I'm in the mood to see good guys actually kick some villain a$$...
...think I'll watch The Avengers again...

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