Saturday, February 8, 2014

Let's take another look at that Vision news...

To be fair, we should have seen this coming.
Paul Bettany has done a fabulous job as J.A.R.V.I.S., and while he was just a program in Iron Man and Iron Man 2,
it was in The Avengers that we saw him do more:
He accessed the armor.
Yeah, he ran diagnostic checks in Iron Man and accessed Ground Control.
In Iron Man 2 he helped Tony develop the new (and as yet unnamed) element.
But during the Battle of New York, J. did something new - 
he "put everything [they've] got into the thrusters".
Meaning J.A.R.V.I.S. had access to systems within the armor and could manipulate them.
Then in IM3, he not only controlled the MK 42 to pull Tony out of the underwater rubble,
he controlled all the armors going back to the MK 8!
Knowing this, it makes sense for J.A.R.V.I.S. to (somehow) be manipulated into Ultron.
But it also makes sense that, as Ultron, he'd develop another android body.
It's even possible this body is what Ultron plans to transfer his programming into.
But over the course of the film, J.A.R.V.I.S. would correct himself and wind up in the android body.
Don't ask me about the phasing thing though, 'cause I've got no idea.
My point is that J.A.R.V.I.S.' development over the course of four films has been so subtle, we almost missed it.
And I'm sort of kicking myself for not seeing it earlier.
Wouldn't it be funny if the end-credit clip showed Tony hiring an actual, physical butler to take over?
And his name just happened to be Jarvis?
What? It could happen...
In Marvel Studios I Trust

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