Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Okay, onto Empire cover #4...

First thought? "Is it wrong if it feels good?"
No, that's not Seann William Scott, it's Josh Helman.
Fooled me though.
* At least here the military look makes sense...
* Once again, is Stryker 8 feet tall?
* I never liked the film version of the character. Doesn't matter which film we're talking about. Pick one. Hated it. The character was a preacher who killed his own mutant offspring before going on a mission to turning humanity against the "demons" that are mutants, not a military man. I understand why Hollywood made the change, but it undercuts the impact the character had in X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills. Especially when he makes an example of Nightcrawler and Kitty defends him and then Stryker tries to shoot her in front of his audience. Just read the book. It's awesome.

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