Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday Movie Roundup…2/17/2014

It was a pretty busy weekend –

The Lego Movie did particularly well, making an additional $48.8 million. This puts the film at $180.3 million so far and has been out for all of 10 days.

On a side note, this is giving Chris Pratt a taste of what’s coming in August when Guardians of the Galaxy is released. Cobie Smulders, on the other hand, is used to this kind of financial return on a project. As for Will Ferrell, this is probably the most money any of his projects has ever seen.

Robocop made $96.3 million over the weekend…just shy of the $100 million price tag. Most of that, $69.9 million worth, came from the foreign market. This makes sense, since most of the chatter against this remake came from the States. I’ll probably still see it though, if for no other reason than Jackie Earle Haley.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug remained open too. Fire made another $540,000 and is close to $862.4 million worldwide. Smaug brought in $505,000 and is now at $858.8 worldwide.

And finally, a moment to rejoice:
Invisible Woman made $29,600 over the weekend! So what? That put the grand total $38,000 past the $1 million mark.
Enjoy the week everybody!

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