Tuesday, February 25, 2014

So...what's happening with X-Men: DoFP's Beast?

According to Nicholas Hoult...aw the heck with it, I'll let him speak for himself:
What’s happened up to this point is between the time of the last movie and this movie my character has created a serum which basically controls his mutation so his appearance is normal as long as he doesn’t get worked up. Any animal instinct or urges, that kind of brings him out. So yeah, he changes into Beast a few times throughout the story and they’ve done some great action sequences with him this time, particularly in the mansion flying around on these chandeliers and stuff.
Yeah...why exactly are they doing this? To show off special effects?
I'm not going to jump the gun and use movies that haven't come out yet to prove my point, but looking back at all Marvel Studio films to date, they've stayed true to their characters - in both personalities and abilities - while adapting where necessary to successfully transition from comics to film.
Which is what's supposed to happen when you let the comic book people interact with the movie people.
But with X-Men: Days of Future Past, it seems Hank McCoy will be able to change from furry to non-furry and back again. Not at will...but still.
If this ability is necessary for story development, I'd understand...
...but couldn't they just use Stark Danger Room technology to create a mobile device that allowed Hank to appear "normal" when necessary? From...you know...the comics?

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