Friday, June 7, 2013

WTF Fridays...The My Apologies Edition...6/7/2013

I totally missed posting yesterday...

I'd say things have been crazy lately, but in truth things are always crazy.

The ball was dropped, but it's picked up now.

So let's run with it...

There's a new trailer out for Man of Steel.

I like it, but it seems to be cramming both Superman and Superman II into one film.

I'll admit, I'm a little worried about that.

But at least we're getting that up front, unlike other films so far...

And finally...

                  There's word of a new Doctor in town...
...who could it be?

There's talk of Maurice from The IT Crowd, but I think Steven Moffat should consider the following...

* The incoming actor should look noticeably younger than Matt Smith did when he came onto the show.
One of the interesting things about this alien is that he started out as an old man. To my knowledge, this has never been discussed within the show. All I know is that originally, the character had only a certain number of "regenerations" in him...which has since been surpassed.

* The incoming actor should be male.
This has spurned some controversy lately. I've seen The Doctor wake up with a new body and ...umm...explore it somewhat before, but the character is male. Superman is male, Wolverine is male, Spider-Man is male. Yes there are female versions of those characters, but they're different characters.

* The skin color of the incoming actor shouldn't matter. 
One of the cool things about The Doctor is that he wonders what he looks like, and has being it stands to reason that his appearance can radically change from one body to the next.

So who's my pick?

Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, who I know as Curtis from Misfits.

"Cause why the hell not?

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