Monday, June 10, 2013

Someone I plan on meeting after I die...

...Maurice Sendak

Of course, everyone knows this guy from his masterpiece Where the Wild Things Are...

...but not me.

Yeah, I read the book, but it was just a story to me. Not that engaging.

What I remember him for is something completely different...
The story of a girl living in Brooklyn who thinks she's a movie star, and along the way gets all the neighborhood kids singing and dancing their way through a summer day.

It was an off-Broadway musical...which I've never seen.

Nor have I ever heard the music anywhere since.

But I still remember the cartoon, the music and even the lyrics from the one place I saw this many moons ago:
Carole King sang and spoke the part of Rosie, and it played on Roy's little cartoon player thingy in segments on different episodes of TGSC.

I remember a different cartoon about animals going to court to keep their wolf-friend out of jail, and another about kids becoming monsters on Halloween thanks to a helpful witch, but Really Rosie jumps out at me every time I see Sendak's name...more so than Max and the white costume.

So when I die, I'll look Sendak up. Or at the very least, get a seat at the playhouse where Really Rosie is enjoying it's 253,904th performance. And afterwards, I might even ask for a part in the Chicken Soup.

"Merry once...Merry twice...Merry Chicken Soup with rice..."

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