Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Symbolize Yourself...

We are a world of symbols.

Icons…Avatars…Profile pics…Dashboard pics...

Whatever you call them, we use them as a means to describe and define ourselves.

I’m amazed at how we manage to take lifetimes of experiences, interests and preferences and boil them down to a single image.

So what’s my symbol?

What’s my definitive pic?

Now I can hear some longtime readers ask: How can I, a self-proclaimed “Marvel Zombie” use this particular image?

First of all, Superman was the first super-hero. Without Superman, there’s no Batman, Spider-Man or Captain America.

He pre-dates Marvel Comics, pre-dates DC comics, he pre-dates comics. You could say that without Superman, there’d be no comics.

Then there’s the fact that Superman: The Movie was the first successful super-hero film. It set the bar for an entire genre of films to attempt to achieve.

Speaking of the movie, how about that music? The theme, by musical genius John Williams, is legendary. You don’t even have to see the film to know that that song is connected to this character.

Let’s talk television. Two words: George Reeves. ‘Nuff said.

Now, I also like football. Depending on which version you look at, Clark either worked the sidelines or played the sport back in Kansas.

And let’s not forget, Clark’s something of a dork.

As for Kal-El, yeah he’s strong but he's not the smartest person out there. He tends to trust people without prejudice and help those around him without going around solving all of the worlds’ problems.

He’s not a leader of others, but an inspiration for others.

So…comics, movies, music, television, sports, dorkiness, trust, inspiration, and dare I say it: Hope.

Is there any other single image that unifies all these things?


…just not for me.

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