Thursday, November 22, 2012

Top 5 Goblin cards I am Thankful to own...

When I first started playing, I was a purist. I wanted five decks of each color with the best cards possible for a 40 card deck...the standard size for playing when this came out.

Now, I'm still a purist - but I've learned that rather than focus on color, I could instead focus on creatures within each color.

I'm it what you want, so as on now I only have one deck - Red - and have focused on creating the quintessential Goblin deck.

Because Goblins are cool.

And while this deck is only about 87% Goblins - there's an Iron Star, Chandra's Fury, Chandra's Outrage, and a few other things - here's my top 5 Goblin cards that I'm thankful to have in my deck:

5) Spikeshot Goblin
I have to tap it to use its ability, but it throws a spike equal to it's toughness to whatever target I want. I could play this card all day.

4) Krenko's Command
Each one of these I use gives me two more Goblins. It also made me aware of this Krenko guy who likes Goblins too. (Note to self: look into Krenko.)

3) Goblin Chieftain
This gives every Goblin I have +1/+1 and Haste. Nice!

2) Goblin Sky Raider
Don't get me wrong. I still love Goblin Balloon Brigade, but I thought that was my only option for a Goblin areal assault (without sacrificing a creature) until I saw this card. More please.

1) Goblin Ski Patrol
Hands down. Like Fling, Airdrop Condor and others, I lose the creature when I use the ability...but this card is awesome!

I'm a skier, and if I could have a sweatshirt made with any image I wanted, it would be this one...

...and I would wear it proudly...

...while skiing!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!

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