Wednesday, December 24, 2014

'Tis the a$$

I used to like the holidays.
It's a very pretty time of year.
Full of love, hope and peace.
And good will towards all.
But I work in retail...
...and it sucks.
One of the more interesting things about this year over years past is that customers are generally nicer. They appear to understand that lines will be long, and seem to appreciate our hard work. And for that...
...they get my thanks.
My issue this year has been the home office. Our headquarters must have been taken over by monkeys or something...
...'cause they don't know what the hell they're doing.
They're scrambling to get the most out of the season - as in:
resulting in directional changes on an hourly basis.
This, in turn, makes me feel like...
I get that plans don't always turn out as expected. I get that sometimes you need to change horses in midstream...
...but NO ONE likes confusion!
Things go a lot smoother when the powers that be,
pull a retreat to move forward
and stick with things for a damn minute, so we all don't end up
'Cause when the workforce loses traction, bad things can happen.
So again - my thanks to all who wait patiently in lines, corporate america really sucks...especially when it has no idea what it's doing, and my heartfelt sympathies go out to all the schmucks like me busting our butts to make ends meet. 
And by the way...

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