Wednesday, December 3, 2014

First Impressions...The Trailer

You've seen it.
You've seen the trailer, and god knows how many reviews of the trailer.
So I'm not going to talk about the trailer...
...I'm going to talk about what the trailer made me think.
'Oh god, they're going back to Tatooine'. 
'Wow! Why'd they have to scare me like that?'
'Okay, that's the new R2D2!'
'Are those actually people in suits? I can't tell, but it kinda looks like they are.'
'Is that Leia's daughter? She's kinda cute. What's that thing she's flying? It's kinda cute too.'
'This is Rogue you copy?'
'Are those X-Wings? Why yes, they are aren't they?'
'Man, he must really hate that tree.'
'Son of a B*TCH!'
But seriously, seeing this made me feel 5 years old again.
Especially when I saw the Falcon.
The Millennium Falcon, dumbass!
I mean yeah, Sam's awesome too, but still...
As for the release date of SW:TFA, it's December 18th, 2015.
As in my birthday?
My 44th birthday?
As in...may the 44th be with me?
Sorry. I couldn't resist.

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