Saturday, March 1, 2014

Okay...NOW let's talk about Cap 2:

The biggest thing I noticed from all the trailers and posters is Cap's costume change. My guess is he'll start out with the suit from The Avengers, get the upgrade when he "officially" joins S.H.I.E.L.D., and then return to the traditional red, white and blues by film's end.

We know Fury's in the SUV that blows up, but survives, and there's the scene where Fury shakes hands with Pierce. Could Pierce be behind Winter Soldier's return in order to take over S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Falcon looks awesome. Winter Soldier looks awesome. Black Widow looks awesome. Batroc...not so much.

In fact, other than Pierce (who I always thought was someone with a different opinion rather than a "villain"), we haven't seen any images of baddies in costume. WTF? Could we be seeing images of Crossbones or Batroc in the near future?

I've heard that Avengers 2 will reveal more of Hawkeye's backstory (and it wouldn't surprise me at all if he loses his hearing somewhere in there as well, but that's another blog entirely), but I hope we get more Black Widow origin-y goodness here. more thing...
'Cause, y'know -

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