Saturday, January 26, 2013

So...J. J. Abrams...

I'm sorry, but I never thought Abrams had talent.

Never saw Lost, and have mo intention of ever doing so.

Fringe? Saw it when it was called X-Files.

Star Trek? I'll give him props for re-booting the franchise, but all the visual effects he put in there were done better back with Whedon's Firefly.

Now he's got the next Star Wars movie gig...

...and to me this is like reading that (SPOILER ALERT) Doc Ock is taking over Peter Parker's body and pretending to be Spider-Man. I don't have feelings one way or the other about it.

The Star Wars franchise ended with Jedi. Pure and simple. Everything done since (including the animated series, the novels, the comics, etc...) is just stuff. I don't love it, or hate it.

I just don't care.

My hope is that Abrams makes a good flick, and the youngsters can get into it like we did back in 1977, but whether it does extremely well or falls on its face like Phantom I'll wait for Netflix, thank you very much.

And this is another sign that I'm just too damn old. Between work and money, I don't have the time and/or energy to go out to the movies on a Friday night. I make time to see the Marvel Studios films because those are the closest things I have to collecting comics when I was young - every film matters, has relevance, continues the overall developmental story of the Marvel Movie Universe, is something I look forward to and leaves me wanting more.

My hope is that DC gets their ball rolling with Man of Steel, but am I going to make the effort to see that film at midnight Thursday night?


Am I going to see both Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World on Thursday May 2, and Thursday November 7 respectively?

Damned right I am.

In Marvel Studios I Trust

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