Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Interesting thing...

I was checking Adorkification's visit history and found that the following made the top 10:

#10) Ladies and Gentlemen...Nathan Fillion

 #9) Elektra Part 14: Daredevil #190 (Jan, 1993)

 #8) Zombiemania

 #7) A Dork(ification)'s Movie Review: Ocean's Eleven (2001)

 #6) A Dork(ification)'s Movie Review: Legend (1985)

 #5) Casting Call: Ava Lord - A Dame to Kill For

 #4) Malcolm Reynolds Part 4: "Shindig"...

 #3) Gene Simmons' Family Jewels

 #2) Firefly - The Series (2002)

 #1) Malcolm Reynolds Part 3: "Bushwhacked"...

Let me begin by saying that I hope #1 wasn't because I spelled Bushwhacked wrong.

Second, all of these feature images that are easily "snagable", meaning that visiting Adorkification to snag a pic counts as a visit. I'm okay with this, because if you come for a pic, it increases the chances that you'll come back for my snappy patter. The Gene Simmons album cover gets viewed quite a bit.

The fact that four of the ten involve Nathan Fillion doesn't surprise me at all...because he's awesome.

Daredevil #190 features Elektra's (first) resurrection, so that makes sense.

As for Zombiemania - you're all freaks.

Casting Call is something I only did once, but I'm guessing between the Megan Fox pics and the upcoming film there's been a lot of attention drawn to it. I may do this again, but I'd need the time to do some research first...

What surprised me most was that both Movie Reviews are in the top 10. I dragged my feet with those because I wanted something different than the typical review stuff and needed time to decide what data to mention, the format to bring up said data...and time to gather to data. Again, there are images galore in those, but I'd like to think that some of the 231 combined visits include people actually reading the things.

It's interesting and informative to look this stuff up. Thanks for the views, and feel free to comment if there's something you want me to do more/less of...

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