Sunday, January 20, 2013

I'm back...

Okay, I know I've been out a while so let me spend this morning catching up with stuff...

A while ago, I talked about a Valiant Comics panel I attended at the 2012 Coast City Comic Con (which I will finish by the way) where I asked if there were any plans for a Unity-type event in the near future...

...I was told "not at the moment"...

...well either I was outright lied to, or I gave someone the idea, because "Harbinger Wars" is coming in 2013.

According to an article in CBG (two, maybe three issues left and counting?) the storyline will involve Harbinger and Bloodshot, and bring more of the previous Valiant's characters back into play. But not X-O Manowar.

So while technically a cross-over, this isn't an all-out company-wide event. I call this a draw.

Am I Ready for Some Football...?

Heck yes I am.

I was sooo glad Denver lost I can't even describe it.

The 49'ers and Falcons play first today at 3:00. The Pats play the Ravens at 6:30.

I have to work today ('natch) but I'll catch the second half. The Pats' defense has stepped up, but all this talk about Brady is nuts. Each of their three Super Bowl wins was by three points. That's a field-goal, not a touchdown. Plus, in every game, the defense made plays and took the ball away. Now, Brady's a Hall-of-Famer no question. But he's not the reason the team has three rings. The team is the reason they've got three rings. Brady would be the first person to say that too. So the announcers and commentators need to open their eyes...and history books...and stop talking up just the QB. That's all I'm saying.

Damn this game's addictive.

What I don't understand is how my best friend, who started the game after I did (and has helped me out with all the SHIELD points) is like twenty levels ahead of me...

Schmuck was always lucky...

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