Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Two new looks for movie heroes...

Superman and Wolverine have new images out, and both have pluses and minuses.
Here's Logan:
The Good:
* This is a slick look. Granted, it'd be difficult to make Jackman look bad. This makes me think of The Transporter with Jason Statham. (Excuse me, Silver Samurai, while I take my jacket off - before I do the best there is at what I do on your a$$.)

The Bad:
* I know he's in Japan, not Madripoor, but all that's missing is the eye-"patch".
* The hype - articles saying this is Logan's new "suit" and everyone, including me, read Logan's new "costume".

Here's Kal-El:
The Good:
* Unlike the pic from the upcoming Riddick, this is what a male hero's chest is supposed to look like.
* Overall, I like the look - not as good as Christoper Reeve's but way better than Brandon Routh's.

The Bad:
* No hair curl. That's like giving Logan a smooth shave.
* The whole New 52 approach.
* Here's the biggy, despite being somewhat off-topic - where are the pics of Clark? Will he have glasses and be a reporter? Or is he going with just the "Gentle-Ben" look until the third act?

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