Friday, July 13, 2012

Robin III Part 21: Batman #456 (November, 1990)

Tim cracks another case, but it could cost him his job.

I have this issue in the Robin: A Hero Reborn Trade Paperback.

It’s Christmas Eve, and Tim’s frustration grows as he tries to connect the random acts of violence occurring throughout the city. He takes a break and sits in front of Jason’s costume going over the facts of the case in his mind, when he has a vision of Dick and Jason (both in Robin garb) telling him not to give up. He wakes up and takes another crack at it, which is when he discovers who’s behind it all.

Tim calls the Batmobile, but Batman doesn’t answer, so he calls Commissioner Gordon next and convinces him to put up the Bat-Signal. In the meantime, Tim asks Gordon to send some units to the villain’s last known location. Unfortunately, the GCPD is spread pretty thin at the moment and there’s no one to send.

So Tim is left with a choice: stay in the cave and risk Batman’s life, or disobey Batman’s order and try to save him.

Going with option b, Tim takes a cab and heads off to let Batman know…

…that Scarecrow is back in town.

Notes of Interest:
1) This is the first time Tim identifies himself as Robin to anyone…and it’s to Gordon over the phone.

WTF? Moment: There’s a panel on page 7 where Tim is thinking about which of Batman’s foes could be responsible for the killings. There’s Penguin, Two-Face, Ra’s al-Ghul and Anarky…all of whom Tim has faced one way or another. But there’s also Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Joker, Riddler, Scarface and the Ventriloquist, and a few others that Tim hasn’t seen yet…that I’m aware of. It could simply be showing everyone Tim’s read files about, rather than those he’s actually faced, but it makes me wonder - have I missed anything so far?

WTF? Moment #2: I have to say…that’s a really gutsy move. Tim’s willing to give up being Robin to save Batman, proof once more that Tim is a hero and an extremely well written character.

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