I admit - I haven't read a Marvel comic (or any comic for that matter) published in the last 2 or 3 years except for The Walking Dead.
But I grew up on Marvel...and the Post-Crisis DCU (best version ever).
So when it comes to the Marvel Studio films, I know my stuff.
And juuust when I think I should buy new stuff...S#!T LIKE THIS HAPPENS!
Marvel is coming out with their version of the DCnU called "Marvel NOW"...which simply reminds me why I no longer read...Marvel NOW!
I know the company (any publishing company actually) will do whatever it wants for the publicity, new readership and all-important coin...
But with so many alternate realities, and talented writers and artists out there, could Marvel and DC do us old fans a favor and create a universe stemming from their stuff from the eighties?
Remember us? The ones who bought your stuff when you couldn't get a property done in Hollywood to save your life?
Hey Marvel - pick an event...say The Evolutionary War...and build a 'verse (call it 61688) where things go a different way afterwards. No Spidey-Clone, no sister for Xavier, (and no X-23...which would suck) and give us old-timer fans something we can call our own.
Yeah, we got mortgages..and kids...and cars...
But we're the ones dragging our kids out of our homes into our cars and out to the movie theatres!
You're welcome...but you owe us...especially after this.
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