Wednesday, September 24, 2014

First Impressions - AoS: 'Shadows'

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
That will happen over the summer after my purchase of the Blu-ray.
I've put my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once after the jump.
You've been warned...

Season 2 Episode 1: 'Shadows'
The Good: To start with...the damn waiting is over.
* A recognizable villain!
* Talbot's back!
* Agent Carter's working with the Howling Commandos!
* So THAT'S where 0-8-4 came from!
* Coulson!
* May!
* Triplett!
* Koening!..and having people show him their lanyards as they passed.

The Bad: A mission with two directives? Where have I heard that before?
* New recruits appearing for the first their...first appearance. (sigh)
* Why would someone a) open a box they've been looking for before getting it to safety, and b) grab the object inside said box knowing full well it's so dangerous it's been locked up in Warehouse 13 since WWII.
* Having a Warehouse 13 without calling it Warehouse 13.
* If the mission was indeed "all or nothing", why did that big dude stay behind? Nor Coulson or Koenig. I understand why they needed to stay at base, but Mack?
* So after all that, they lose one maybe two agents, fail to get Talbot and/or the military on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s side, gain a quinjet, lose not only the 0-8-4, and Creel's still out there? F**K!

The WTF?: Simmons' being a figment of Fitz's imagination. Didn't see that coming. I'm sure she's still part of the show team, just starting up the new Academy.

Adorkification Moment: Carl Creel.
* So we don't know how he got his powers at this point. I'm okay with this. I'd rather keep on not knowing than have it be anything other than Loki/Asgardian magic.
* Creel's van. All of those apothecary-like drawers with various substances is sheer brilliance. Wouldn't have thought of that in a million years, but makes perfect damn sense.
* The way Creel got out of his cell. At first, I thought someone was thinking ahead and made the walls cheap plastic that could be easily broken. Turns out someone was thinking ahead and had Creel use the transparentive properties of that plastic instead. If this clever and creative writing keeps up, no character is incapable of being used on this show. Not even Squirrel Girl.
* The ball and chain. True, he didn't keep the damn things, but they were still cool to see.

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