Friday, September 27, 2013

WTF? Fridays...9/27/2013

Today's a two-fer...
Marvel/Disney's allowed us to view the following:
...and it looks like Ultron takes over one of Tony's suits.
On the surface, this makes some sort of sense. Loki put the idea out there in Avengers when he tried to turn Tony against the others.
It didn't work, but for a moment there we all said "oooooooooh!"
Then in Iron Man 3 Tony built like 45 suits...which all blew up at the end.
You're telling me that a human body with Extremis can be blown up and whatever several times before actually dying, but Tony's practically indestructible armor would disintegrate after one explosion?
Gotta call bulls#!t on that.
Then there's the comics...
...back in 1989, Tony was shot. In the chest. He got better, but was paralyzed for a while. Because of this, Tony developed (with help) a suit that had it's own consciousness.
Do I think that Avengers 2 will follow this storyline? No, but the precedent is there for a similar plot.
My guess is that Ultron will start out as a program...maybe on AoS with guest star Hank Pym?...that will eventually evolve to the point where it takes over J.A.R.V.I.S. and claims a suit.
Remember - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has two seasons to set up Avengers 2.

Now onto Part Two...
DC Comics...not to be outdone by Marvel...has come up with their own idea for a series about a special group of non-powered individuals in a place full of crazy...
...set in Gotham.
What makes Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. so good isn't just the fact that Coulson's back, or that it's about a bunch of spies going around meeting good guys and stopping bad guys.
It's the fact that it's set in the Marvel Movie Universe!!!
Not that I think this is a bad idea, but I expect to see some established Marvel characters show up in AoS long before any DC baddies wreak havoc in Gotham.
Then there's the comics...
...back in 2003, Gotham Central came out. After dodging the bullet of cancellation for 40 issues, it ended, but the premise was good. 
A bunch of cops deal with the crazy crap in Gotham while Batman takes a back seat.
And it featured characters such as Renee Montoya, Crispus Allen, and Maggie Sawyer.
Granted, it didn't have Gordon or Harvey Bullock, but my question to DC is this:
Will your television show have these characters?
The reason Marvel got away with all new agents was Coulson. We knew him.
We know Gordon, but he's not enough. You're gonna need at least Montoya and Bullock for this to work.
They could be rookies, working the second story while the main characters follow the major story with Gordon, but they must be there.
Not only that, but you're gonna have to tie in other parts of the DCU, and DCMU as well. 
Can't use Joker? Okay, use Harley.
No Catwoman? How about Holly?
Know what I mean? 
And by all means - tie things into you're movies...PLEASE! 

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