Friday, September 13, 2013

WTF? Fridays...The Ant-Man Edition...9/13/2013

You know, I've talked a lot about Marvel Studios lately, but I've never said this before:
Marvel Studios' got balls.
Brass ones.
BIG brass ones.
When I heard that they've moved Ant-Man from November 2015 up to July 2015, my first thought was:
But then I did some reading...
Marvel Disney Studios was rearranging their two-years-from-now schedule.
 Pirates of the Caribbean 5 has been understandably put on hold.
Which in turn left an open slot in July.
So what did they decide to replace it with?
So why Balls? Well...there's this...
...which (as of today) is scheduled to open two weeks earlier.
But that's not the only reason for the balls...
is scheduled for May 1, 2015.
This means that 'Phase 2' ends two months before the first film of their 'Phase 3'.
Oh no...there's more...
...who's in the helmet?
See - Marvel Studios had a plan for Avengers 2. They had a release date set, a director, a script - 
Ant-Man the project has been pushed, pulled, tweaked, teased, demanded and dissed...
...but now it has a (new) release date, a director, a (workable) script...
I'll add just one more nitpick into this clusterf**k:
see this?
This is Ultron, a robot/android/AI created by this guy...
So how the hell are they going to explain the creature existing in the MMU before the creator?
Here's my solution...Hey Marvel!...LISTEN UP...
This, sorry...
This guy...isn't Henry Pym.
It's Scott Lang.
The SECOND man to be called Ant-Man in the comics.
He needs the tech to rescue his kidnapped daughter, and goes to his former boss...
...Henry Pym, for help.
Pym feels guilty for releasing horror onto the world...
...and agrees to create the tech.
Over the course of the film, Pym gets inspired.
He helps Lang and decides to use the Pym Particles on himself, becoming...
Giant-Man..or Goliath...whichever.
No thanks necessary..I'll just take my five points off the back-end.

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