Friday, September 6, 2013

WTF? Fridays...The Batwoman Edition...9/6/2013

There's been a lot of talk, so I'll add my 2-bits.

As you can see, DC has gone through a lot of changes - and not all of them for the better.
That's the case here.
Marvel made headlines when they let openly gay hero Northstar get married...
...but you have to remember that Marvel got a lot of flak back in 1992...
...when he came out of the closet.
But - we're talking 1992! (That's 21 years ago by the way.)
So now, DC had an opportunity to make history:
Have an openly gay female hero - already a first for both companies - get married.
It would have been one thing if creators J. H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman went to the editors from the get-go, presented their idea, and been shot down.
But that's not what happened.
What did happen was Williams III and Blackman went to the editors, presented their idea...and were given the green light.
Now, roughly a year later, the editors pull the plug, and deny Katherine Kane her wedding.
DC - you guys really need to get your shit together.
Marvel made (and arguably still makes) mistakes and learns from them.
You guys have the luxury of learning from their mistakes...and still make your own.
Bad call guys.

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