Friday, March 1, 2013

WTF? Fridays...3/1/2013

Quite a bit to discuss this week...

There's casting news for the upcoming Michael Bay reboot/redux/alien-cluster...

...and I'm not sure what to say about it, except that if she's playing April O'Neil to a bunch of CGI turtles...

...she better pay f**king attention.

Speaking of casting news...

Amazing Spider-Man 2 (or whatever they're calling it) will indeed have Norman Osborn.

This is in addition to:
* Electro
* Mary Jane
* Rhino
* and possibly Black Cat.

As for who they got...

...Chris Cooper's a good choice.

I still haven't seen Amazing, and I think Willem Dafoe did a great job (it was the Green Goblin suit I disliked, but that's another day's blog).

So all in all, I may as well suck it up as watch the first film.

Stupid reboots.

Speaking of reboots...'s been announced that Matthew Vaughn, director of X-Men: First Class and Kick-Ass, will produce Fox's reboot of the Fantastic Four.

If Fox could take their collective head out of its a$$ for just a minute, it would set the FF and X-Men franchises...

...wait for it... the same damn universe!

I still hate the idea of Marvel's characters divvied up among several production companies, but since these two groups are in the same backlot for the time being they better be produced by the same guys.

Speaking of the same guys...

...there's a new poster of RDJ as Iron Stark.

You gotta give Marvel Studios credit, the're promoting the hell out of this film. There's three or four new images of this film to Man of Steel's - what - one?

Even The Wolverine hasn't had as many things released yet, and that's coming out just over two months after IM3.

That being said, I love the fact that this film is even being made.

I can't wait to see what happens next.

Speaking of what happens next...

...he's dead people.

Get over it!

Tim's way better anyway.

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