Thursday, March 7, 2013

Okay! More about the IM3 trailer...

First of all, why is the film being released in the UK before here in the US?

Moving on...

I've seen the thing countless times now, and I'll see it countless more times, but here's the facts I've gathered so far (aside from the suit thing I mentioned yesterday):
* The airplane shot down is Air Force One.
* Rhodey's on the plane, and is the first one blown out.
* At some point during the scene at the docks, Tony jumps into a flying suit.
* Pepper survives the house's destruction.
* Many many women are gonna get that heart-shaped pendant next Valentine's Day.
* Pepper survives the testing area we see her crying at in the previous trailer.

Now for the speculations:
* Air Force One gets shot down before Tony's house.
* The President dies, because there's a lot of Vice-President staff members in the cast.
* Speaking of the cast...Bethany Cabe appears, which is cool. Miss Elkridge? Bulls#!t. That's Madame Masque.
* The scene where Tony talks about revenge takes place outside a hospital, making me think that he's visiting Rhodey after the plane because he drives away in the car that goes into the ocean...when his house explodes.
* Tony rescues Maya from the house before going into the ocean.
* Rhodey loses the Iron Patriot armor when the plane goes down, so War Machine returns at the final fight at the docks.
* Tony heads to China for two reasons - Mandarin and the operation.
* We never see the Extremis armor. If the scene at the docks is the final fight, and we see Tony jump into a flying suit, he wouldn't have the Extremis armor...right?
* Stark Industries dies with this film, clearing the way for Stark Enterprises.
* We learn that Mandarin (or A.I.M., or both) used a spy within the company to steal Stark Iron Man tech...opening the door for the next trilogy - Armor Wars!

In Marvel Studios I Trust

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