Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Coast City Comic Con - The Aftermath, Part Nine

So, what happened after the Costume Contest...?

Well, there were three options: Dance Your Pants Off!, a screening of Zardoz, and the Drink & Draw over at LFK.

Not being twenty, or willing to see Sean Connery in bandoliers and boots, I chose the Drink and Draw.
I have to say the Drink & Draw event back at Wizard New England 2010 kinda spoiled me.

I was a Volunteer back then, so I could "sit with the band" basically and got to meet some creators. One whole seating area was corded off for the event, and there was big piece of white poster board set up on one end of the bar where artists could walk up and draw whatever throughout the night. That convention was in early October, so all the art had a Halloween theme.

The event at LFK was completely different.

There was one table with a placement card on it. It was a nice ling table, but nobody was there when I showed up. The place was busy, so I found a stool at the bar and had dinner there while artists slowly arrived. I didn't know anyone, and couldn't find anybody from Coast City Comics to lead the event.

In the end, I stayed at the bar and watched some people draw on their own individual pads.

Not the best way to end my first day at the Con, but the food was delicious and I looked forward to Day 2.

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