Each has their merits...
Ant-Man (Hank Pym) was a founding member of The Avengers, but is really a scientist who accidentally discovered a means to shrink a human being down to the size of an ant. His helmet is what allows him to make ants do what he wants.
I've said before that Pym should be introduced in IM3, and I stand by that - meaning that like Black Panther in Cap 2, Pym would be introduced to the audience in a sequel first (where he discovers Pym Particles), and then get his own film (where he'd could be "asked" by Fury to infiltrate an A.I.M. complex and gather some data...and have help from Black Widow and/or Hawkeye).
As for Janet Van Dyne...The Wasp (because let's face it, you can't have him without her)...she could be anyone from Pym's assistant, to a financial backer, to a random S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, to Ant-Man's handler - like Natasha was for Tony in Iron Man 2.
In the other corner, we have the Guardians. Kevin Feige mentioned them as a way to expand the MMU (his MCU) into outer space and open the door for more alien species like the Kree.
Not a bad idea, but the Guardians aren't just from space...
They're from the future (the 31st Century)...
An alternate future...
...where humans colonized other planets within our Solar System - Mercury, Pluto and Jupiter among them (back when Pluto was a planet). An alien race called the Badoon came along and essentially kicked our collective asses. The Guardians were formed by surviving members of the colonies and other alien species who fell victim to the Badoon.
In the end, they find the Badoon, defeat them and then face a villain named Korvac.
Now Korvac has the potential to be an Avengers villain in Avengers 2, but there's still the whole alternate future timeline thing. I suppose it could be explained in Thor 2 that Mjolnir allows Thor to travel through time as well as space, and that's where we'd meet the Guardians, but it's a reach at best.
Plus, it wouldn't explain how Korvac could follow Thor back through time and space to reach 20th Century Earth and kill the Avengers (which he did in the books) only to "restore the spark of life" in their bodies before dying himself (which he also did in the books).
Wasn't the whole point of these films to make them...dare I say it...grounded in reality?
As cool as all this might look on screen, I just can't get my head around how Marvel Studios could integrate this within the Marvel Movie Universe.
So in conclusion, my cash lands squarely in the Ant-Man ticket booth, because I'll take Hank Pym over Vance Astro, Charlie-27, Martinex T'Naga, Nikki, Yondu Udonta, Stakar and Aleta any day.
And don't get me started on that new team with Rocket Raccoon...not ever...
In Marvel Studios I Trust
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