Aww, screw it...
1) Thomas Wayne
There's been a revelation recently in the DCnU that affects Bruce Wayne. I won't mention it here, but whether or not you accept that as canon, this man is still Bruce Wayne's father. A man with old money that decided to become a doctor rather than follow in his family's footsteps. His whatever DCU you accept...was essential for Bruce Wayne becoming Batman.
2) Scott Lang
The second (and best) person to don the ridicule...I mean persona...of Ant-Man had a daughter named Cassie who grows up and becomes Stature, a member of the Young Avengers, after her father's death.
3) Jim Gordon
While his relationship with Barbara Gordon depends on which universe you follow, (is she his daughter or his niece?) there's no doubt that he has a son - James Gordon Junior. If you don't know Gordon's relationship to Batman...stop right now and visit your local comic shop damnit.
4) Luke Cage
This former Hero for Hire became an Avenger in New Avengers #1 (January, 2005). He married Jessica Jones and has a daughter named Danielle.
5) Jack Drake
Jack is the father of Tim Drake, the third (and best) Robin. He was a Gotham businessman until the Obeah Man killed his wife and left him in a wheelchair. He fought against Bruce regarding Tim's activities as Robin, but eventually accepted his son's decision. Jack died in Identity Crisis #5, but he really shouldn't have.
6) Mister Fantastic
You really think I'd mention Sue on Mother's Day and not include Reed today?
7) Bruce Wayne
Yep...depending on your universe. First, on Earth-2 Bruce married Catwoman and they had a daughter named Helena Wayne who became Huntress. Then, in Kingdom Come, he had a son with Talia al Ghul named Ibm, al Xu'ffasch who was a member of Lex Luthor's Mankind Liberation Front. Now his (and Talia's) son's name is Damian, and is the current Robin.
8) Spider-Man
Back in my days as a Marvel Zombie, Peter Parker was married to Mary Jane Watson (an inspiration for dorks everywhere) and as far as I'm concerned, they're still married. (Suck it Mephisto!) And they have a daughter...May Parker...Spider-Girl...and there's nothing you can say to change my mind (covers ears) la-la-la-I-can't-hear-you...
and finally...
9) Stan Lee
I know this is a cheap one, but this man is partly responsible for creating The Entire Marvel Universe! Without Stan, there's no Fantastic Four, no Spider-Man, no X-Men, no Avengers, no Hulk, you know the rest.
And for the record...he has a daughter - Joan.
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