Friday, June 22, 2012

Robin III Part 9: Batman #445 (March, 1990)

Tim makes a friend at school while trying to get a ride back to Wayne Manor.

I have this issue.

Tim’s at school and calls Alfred to see if he can return to Wayne Manor for more training over the weekend. Alfred tells him that Bruce is away in Moscow, but agrees to pick Tim up on Saturday.

There’s a knock on his door, and Tim opens it to find Rebecca Curley - a young girl who’s looking for her dorm room. Tim helps her out by saying that the girls’ dormitory is one street over, and that her grade would most likely be on the first floor. She thanks him for the directions and Tim offers to meet her at the cafeteria sometime.

Notes of Interest:
1) Tim’s appearance here is all of one page, but we see some of his dorm room and his general friendliness towards other students.

WTF? Moment: I’m not sure of the significance is of Tim meeting Rebecca other than showing how “nice” he is as a person. I did like the fact that he didn’t bat an eye at the shirt one of the other boys was wearing…


  1. the scene is due to a contest that DC had Rebbecca Curley was a real person who won a contest to appear in a batman comic

    1. Cool! I didn't know that. Thanks for the info.
