Friday, June 15, 2012

Robin III Part 5: The New Titans #61 (December, 1989)

Tim learns more about Bruce and Dick from Alfred.

I have this issue in the A Lonely Place of Dying Trade Paperback.

Tim tells Dick that Batman needs a Robin around so he can have someone to care about, and someone to care about him. Dick leaves, and Alfred is left to comfort the boy. They spend the afternoon talking about the complicated relationship between Bruce and Dick.

Later, Alfred informs Tim that Dick just activated his homing signal…and it was quickly cut off.

Notes of Interest:
1) Tim shares Alfred’s concern for Bruce and Dick as well as the idea that Bruce does need someone around.

WTF? Moment: In addition to connecting Tim to Dick Grayson, Marv Wolfman and George Perez show a friendship developing between Alfred and Tim. It works. I know I’m dating myself, but it kind of reminds me of the middle seasons of M*A*S*H* where Col. Sherman Potter bonds with Radar. The old and young (or old and new, depending on your interpretation) are working together to understand and try to control the insanity around them, not just from the war but from the doctors and nurses of the camp whom they both care for.

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