Friday, June 1, 2012

X-O Manowar Part 41: X-O Manowar #25 (February, 1994)

New members of the Valiant Universe make their presence known as Aric meets them in battle.

I have this issue.

Aric is unable to find a connection between Spectar Enterprises and Reese – the man responsible for the destruction of the Yanomama tribe. According to Spectar’s files, the land they purchased in Peru for constructing “Facility 229-C” was already cleared when they bought it. Randy recommends sending some of her security people down there under the guise of a personnel transfer to check into it and Aric accepts, albeit reluctantly.

On the drive home, Aric is attacked by “bandits” with armor similar to the X-O. Fortunately, they can’t fly, so Aric takes to the air and takes out a few of them before Randy and Paul Bouvier arrive. Taking advantage of Aric’s distraction, the remaining bandits concentrate their fire on him. The Good-Skin is hurt, but the bandits cease fire before causing permanent damage. Aric prepares to attack again but is stopped by Randy and Paul, who tell him that the bandits are United States Marines and that attacking them would result in a military response. Once again, Aric reluctantly takes Randy’s advice.

Later, Aric gets a visit from Gunnery Sergeant Harold Lewis - one of the Marines who attacked him. Lewis apologizes for the misunderstanding and asks him for information behind the unwarranted attack. Aric sees that Lewis is an honest man, and lets him in.  

Notes of Interest:
1) The Marine “bandits” are the Armorines. They were sent after him by Mandrake and Garrett, who met Aric in X-O Manowar #18.

2) This story takes place immediately after Armorines #0…which is included inside this issue.

3) It’s been two weeks since Aric returned from Peru.

4) Aric meets Paul Bouvier for the first time.

WTF? Moment: I really felt for Aric this issue. With all the power at his disposal, through Orb Industries and the X-O armor, he was still unable to do what he wanted.

WTF? Moment #2: On a completely non-Aric related moment, I don’t know who’s responsible for this “two-in-one” but I’d like to thank them personally. It was really nice to get two connecting stories in one comic. Granted, the cover price was $3.50 versus the regular $2.25 of the time, but it was worth the extra cash.

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