Wednesday, December 23, 2015

First Impressions - Jessica Jones: "AKA Smile"

I know s#!t about this character.
Everything I do know came from blogs and YouTube.
You've been warned...

Episode 13: "AKA Smile"

The Good:
So...he's okay then? Cool.

The Bad:
Jessica Jones takes place after Daredevil? Thanks for waiting until the last damn episode to tell us that.

The WTF?:
He doesn't become purple right before the end?

And where the hell is S.H.I.E.L.D. in all this? All these unexplained killings would be right up their alley. Especially if they did AoS the way it should have been done.

Adorkification Moment:
About. Damn. Time!
But there's argument that Killgrave (and Tennant's portrayal of him) was too good to end, and they're right. But whomever's in charge of doling out Marvel characters for real-life portrayals just couldn't handle letting Killgrave wind up in The Vault (or God forbid The Big House) so they had Jessica kill him. Given how powerful he was, his death makes sense...

Wouldn't it have been cool if Loki (who's pretending to be Odin) found out about Killgrave (through Heimdall) and had Lorelei (last seen taken back to Asgard by Sif in AoS) return and bring Killgrave to Asgard as her prisoner? 
Think about that for a sec - a man who has the power to control anyone, under the control of an Asgardian who has control over men. 
THAT would be awesome, and something Marvel Studios would never think of, let alone allow. Why? 
Because they're stupid. 

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