Sunday, December 6, 2015

First Impressions - Jessica Jones: "AKA WWJD"

I know s#!t about this character.
Everything I do know came from blogs and YouTube.
You've been warned...

Episode 8: "AKA WWJD"

The Good:
Gotta admit, Adorkette got this before I did.
Kilgrave buys Jessica's home and convinces her to live there with him. Why? Because while she was under his control, "home" was where she felt safe. And by doing what he does, he takes that away from her too.
That's one straight up f**ked up f**ker right there.

She had a brother who died.  That was a neat way to show that, but I have no idea how it relates to the books.

The Bad: I think the purple dress was overKill(grave).

The WTF?:
The whole "villain as hero" thing.
This was an interesting explanation of how the smallest things could make a given person go either way. There's an astounding amount of things Kilgrave could do to help people, but he needs Jessica to keep him on that path. 
Kinda makes you wonder who's really controlling whom, eh?

Adorkification Moment:
WHiH! Wish I knew what the letters stood for...

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