Thursday, December 10, 2015

First Impressions - Jessica Jones: "AKA I've Got the Blues"

I know s#!t about this character.
Everything I do know came from blogs and YouTube.
You've been warned...

Episode 11: "AKA I've Got the Blues"

The Good:
Stop, Drop and Roll buddy...
Seriously, I wasn't worried about Luke at all. His clothes on the other hand, could have burned off his body - not that Mrs. Adorkification and Adorkette would have objected, mind you.

The Bad:
Taking Jessica in was a publicity stunt?
Why would Trish's mother think that? It couldn't have worked, because everyone who knew Trish from "the old days" would have known Jessica - since she never changed her name or anything. And not once was she asked for an autograph or "What's Trish Walker really like?" 

The WTF?:
I give Trish huge props for bravery...even though it was extremely stupid of her to "take a red" so she could fight off Nuke. I also understand why she did it. 
As for Nuke, he warned Trish not to take it, which was nice, but throwing 'the blues" out the freakin' window?

Plus, why didn't Jessica go get them?
I mean yeah, yeah..."there wasn't time", but they had to wait for the ambulance to get there, and then it had to get her to the hospital. Surely that takes longer than Jessica looking around the building for one blue pill. Right? 

Adorkification Moment:
Heath Ledger Joker shoutout!

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