Friday, December 18, 2015

First Impressions - Jessica Jones: "AKA Take a Bloody Number"

I know s#!t about this character.
Everything I do know came from blogs and YouTube.
You've been warned...

Episode 12: "AKA Take a Bloody Number"

The Good:
Killgrave going onstage to test the range of his abilities?

The Bad:
This sucks. I get it - it shows another expansion of Killgrave's abilities. Still sucks.
I will say that the fight was borderline terrifying. I'm surprised by Luke's strength - I don't remember him being that strong. But an indestructible man fighting a super strong woman who has no invulnerability was eerie/cool to watch.

The WTF?:
Jessica's had a thing about doors the whole series.
I think this is the first time she actually unlocks one, but why? I mean, the window's broken, so why bother locking it in the first place? While I'm on the subject on her apartment, I never saw a dishwasher (which I guess doesn't really matter, since she doesn't have dishes) or a laundry room (which should matter, since she does in fact wear clothes). Can you imagine her taking her laundry to a laundromat? With all the rips, the tears, the blood? How's that work? 

Adorkification Moment:
Purple lights!!!

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