Friday, June 5, 2015

Spoiler Alert! (WTF? Friday...6/5/2015)

There's a guy I know at work.
He's alright. A good worker, stays busy, asks the right questions, etc.
But he's a dork.
When my wife calls me a dork, I know she means it as "an individual who occasionally finds him/herself in an awkward situation due to their vast amount of (what some consider useless) knowledge".
This is a badge I wear proudly...hence the name of my blog.
But this guy - he's someone I consider a dork.
I wouldn't crown him "King of all Dorks" or anything, but he's the type of dork...that dorks like me...would consider a dork. Whether you call him "uberdork" or "the other end of the dorkiness spectrum", he's a dork's dork. 
Why would I call him this?
Because he has the knack of walking up to the middle of work mind you...and say stuff like the following:
"Have you seen Daredevil yet?"
"Well, yeah - but I've only gotten to episode 9 or 10 so far."
"Gee - that Kingpin is a piece of work isn't he. Good thing he winds up in jail."
Even better was our most recent conversation, at 7 AM a few days ago:
 "So - did ya hear that Chris Pratt's gonna to play Indiana Jones?" 
Some people should just wear a sign around their necks.
Like, at all times.

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