Friday, June 12, 2015

Christopher Lee (1922-2015) WTF? Friday...6/12/2015

This sucks.
Christopher Lee was one of those actors that pretty much scared the hell out of me growing up. 
While Bela Lugosi's Dracula was my first, Lee's version during the Hammer Pictures years seared into my brain.
I was really, really little when I first heard about those films, and didn't understand why anyone would "add color to a black and white movie". I mean, all that red...
Then there was his Frankenstein's Monster.
Boris Karloff's Universal Studios version was my boy. I loved that film, and that look, more than any other Universal creature. When I learned that Grand Moff Tarkin had played the good Doctor, I had to learn more. Then I saw this image of Lee's version of the creature. I couldn't believe it. Gone was the classic look of the misunderstood beast. This creature was downright horrifying to a seven year old me.
 Then there was The Man with the Golden Gun. Lee's Bond villain wasn't horrifying, but that third nipple was definitely disturbing.
And I forgot that he was in this television classic,
but it was Saruman that got me onto the Christopher Lee bandwagon.
Well., okay, that too.
When I die, I'll be listening to him reading aloud from the Book of Tolkien - which you know he'd be doing.
When he isn't singing that is...

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