Thursday, June 4, 2015

First Impressions - Daredevil: "Nelson v. Murdock"

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
It's just my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once (a la AoS).
Spoilers after the jump.
You've been warned...

Episode 10: "Nelson v. Murdock"
The Good:
The entire Nelson/Murdock exchange.
I've said before how I wish they didn't have Foggy learn Matt's secret, but seeing his reactions and responses and questions were awesome.

"Are you even blind?"

Nelson and Murdock: The College Years
Ah...the wonders a good hair change can accomplish. To be fair there hasn't been that much time between Then and Now, so they didn't need too much "de-agification". But still, hair. I also liked how they showed the avacado duo's post-graduate experience. 
That didn't hurt either.

It was beautiful. The setting. The lighting. The dialogue. The acting. Everything. I know this place exists, because it's where Spidey dropped off Mary Jane back in Spider-Man (2002), but it looks so out of place that you'd think it was a set. I mean maybe this here is a set, but it is a real place...really.

Wilson's awkwardness in public.
You see him alone, and he's cool. You see him with Wesley, and he's a badass. You see him lose his s#!t, and he's a real badass. You see him with Vanessa, and he's charming. 
But stick a microphone and a camera in his face...and he's awkward as f**k.

Wilson's mom! I should have seen this coming, but I didn't

The Bad:
What's the point of Doris' illness? She's not like that in the books (at least when I was reading). The long-lasting marriage of a devoted reporter who followed a story, no matter where it led, in the midst of gods and heroes was a triumph in and of itself. There's no reason for the added drama of him watching his wife's deterioration...except for adding totally unnecessary drama.

I also hated the shaky-cam during the Karen/Ben conversation. What was that about?

The WTF?:
Why pull the tape away?

Killing Vanessa? Really?
He's gonna LOSE...HIS...S#!T!

Adorkification Moment:

Van Lunt! Astrologist! Zodiac?


"Greek Girl"? That's all they could do? Just "Greek Girl"? Even so, I'll still take it.

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