Wednesday, June 10, 2015

First Impressions - Daredevil: "The Path of the Righteous"

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
It's just my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once (a la AoS).
Spoilers after the jump.
You've been warned...

Episode 11: "The Path of the Righteous"
The Good:
It's all about the Fisk-ster.
When he brought Vanessa into the hospital, he had my attention. When he was ready to walk over that nurse to follow Vanessa into the room, he had my respect.
But when he was sitting in the chair, waiting for any news...he had my sympathy.
How they made that man look that big most of the time, only to have him look so small in the waiting room is a mystery, but SO DAMN WELL DONE!

While I'm on the subject...
I've mentioned how I'm a sucker for loyalty. Good guys, bad guys, mobsters, whatever. I'm not talking about sidekicks or comrades - they join their "boss" (for lack of a better word) in the fray. They're side-by-side, shoulder-to-shoulder in the thick of it all. I'm talking about the person who's off to the side. He's not steering or pushing their boss in any direction, he's there to deal with things. The one true confidant who knows all the secrets and is trusted to keep them that way.
 Wesley was my first experience with that type of character back in the books. 
Well yeah, okay, you could call Alfred that type of character, but I never saw him that way.
Alfred was a father figure, a teacher, a butler, a confidant...the only true family Bruce had at the time. He helped Bruce grow up.
Wesley, I'm pretty sure, had nothing to do with helping Wilson grow up. 
But getting back to my point - 
Wesley is the one person Wilson trusts the most. He's Wilson's "go-to" guy. He never questions Wesley's loyalty, and the exchange the two of them have here just sets that relationship in stone. Vanessa may be the bright North Star that Wilson hopes will lead him home, but Wesley's the ship that will get him there...and I admire the hell out of that.

Wilson's soliloquy by Vanessa's bedside. Pure poetry.

I'm glad to see him still recovering from that a$$-whuppin' he got from Nobu.

The Bad:
So Foggy's sleeping with that other lawyer?

The WTF?:
Why is he getting up and fighting people while still recovering from the a$$-whuppin' he got from Nobu?

Uh-oh, Karen's in some serious trouble...
Huh! She managed to get the gun away from Wesley. But I'm sure she's not gonna
That was as much a "WTF did I just watch?" moment to me as the Red Wedding was to GoT viewers. I was shocked speechless. Then she wipes her prints off stuff and runs out..? HOLY S#!T! 
And whaddya mean "You think I haven't shot someone before"? What's that s#!t?
Then there's Wilson calling Wesley...
Remember what I said before about Vanessa being the star and Wesley being the ship? Wilson's losing his star, and can't find his ship.
Yup...gonna lose his s#!t...
And tell me that wasn't a fantastic way to end the episode. Double dog dare ya.

Adorkification Moments:
Josie's! Yeah, I know I say it a lot, but you gotta understand how much that place showed up in the books. 

Turk! Yeah, I know I say it a lot, but you gotta understand how much he showed up in the books. 

Melvin! No costume, but he got to use a buzzsaw blade, so there's that. And he mentioned Betsy.

The Van Lunt building!

We learn Wilson's mother's name is Marlene. Don't know if that's from the books but...still cool.

"It's complicated."

I haven't had a Yoo-Hoo since middle school. Nice!

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