Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Speaking of Winter Soldier...

...there will be no Marvel One-Shot.
I understand the why - they don't have an idea good enough to produce. One question: Why the hell not? You're telling me that after a whole season of S.H.I.E.L.D. with Coulson now running the thing, Ward in "custody", Skye's history still...a mystery, and several baddies and thingies out there, no one could come up with something to whet our appetites for Season 2?
I call bulls#!t on that.
Anyway, the Blu-ray/DVD is coming out September 9th...no doubt when S2 E1 of AoS comes out. But what really bothers me is that Marvel isn't doing the Blu-ray/DVD combo pack anymore. I thought it was a one-off with Thor: The Dark World, but it seems to be the thing now. I have no interest whatsoever of getting a 3D television or player. but it would have been nice to have a DVD copy to play in our living room.
I'll blame Disney for that, Paramount had it right.

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