Thursday, June 12, 2014

So I'm building a new deck...

...and it's not as easy as one would think.
I've talked about my Red deck beforemany, many, many, many, many times. It's Goblin based, and while I know it would never stand up in professional play, it's a lot of fun because Goblins are...essentially...stoopid.

But between Mrs. Adorkification's constant rebuilding of decks using whatever's lying around (she's even built several decks based on different areas of Lord of the Rings, like Lothlorien, Fangorn Forest, and The Dead Marshes), and Adorkette's continual desire to play (she's even brought decks to school for the last week of classes...not just one or two decks, try eight), I've decided to expand my horizons beyond the Mountains. But I've centered my play around a single creature type for a long time, so long in fact that I can't fathom playing any other way. Therefore, I needed to pick not just a different color for this deck but also another creature type within said color.

I thought about Blue, which I've also mentioned before, but Merfolk didn't sit right. I'll probably build a Blue deck eventually, but my focus has shifted elsewhere.
Now when you consider my desire to limit myself to one character type while also sticking to one color, Black in this case, you'd think the obvious choice. But as I've also said before...
 I Hate Zombies.
Then I remembered Jason and the Argonauts...
...and the Skeletons...
...which were awesome!
So that's what I'm going with. I've done a little research and know that there's nowhere near as many Skeleton cards as there are Zombie cards...
...which is a damn shame...
...but there's quite a bit of Bone-related stuff which should do nicely until the day WotC wakes up and realizes they're standing on a gold-mine of untapped (heh heh heh...) potential.

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