Friday, June 13, 2014

WTF Friday...6/13/2014

Oh DC/WB...what hath you wrought?
From what I understand, the offices of both companies have finally developed...A Film Franchise Plan!
I understand that this is not confirmed, but is believed to be confirmed at SDCC next month:
May 2016...Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice
July 2016....Shazam
Christmas 2016...Sandman
May 2017...Justice League
July 2017...Wonder Woman
Christmas 2017...Untitled Flash/Green Lantern Team-Up
May 2018...Man of Steel 2
I'm just in awe that DC/WB have gotten enough of their s#!t together to come up with anything at this point.
But upon looking at this"list", I will say...
* I'm glad they're doing a Shazam film. I've always liked the character, and was a fan of the show back in the seventies.
* I'm also glad they're not making next year's BvS:DoJ the Man of Steel sequel. This will be it's own film, and the follow-up to MoS comes later. THAT is a good decision!
* One word: Sandman!
* Wonder Woman will finally get her own goddamn movie. It's about time.
* I like the idea of three films a year. That's a lot, and good luck with that, but the intention is hopeful.
and finally...
* You just KNOW that the Flash/GL movie will be called Flash and Green Lantern: The Brave and the Bold.
But I have a question:
*Will they incorporate the new Flash television show (and Arrow by default) into this plan? I really hope so, 'cause it'd be cool.
Okay boys,
It. Is. On.

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