Monday, April 29, 2013

The power of family...

I was at work yesterday when Mrs. Adorkification called to tell me that both she and Adorkette were fine, but for some as-yet-to-be-determined reason our basement had flooded.

Good News: the part of the basement where my DVD's, Blu-rays, Blu-ray player, television...all the electrical stuff...was fine.

Bad News: My comics (roughly thirty years worth) were not so lucky.

I had to spend the remaining five hours of my shift trying to cope with the news, going through the stages from anger to acceptance.

When I finally got home, I learned that not only did my dynamic duo deal with most of the water (there was roughly an inch or two left at the farthest corner - thank God for uneven basement floors), but Adorkette single-handedly moved all of my comic boxes out of harms way.

See, Mrs. Adorkification has arthritic knees, so going up and down stairs is painful at the best of times. Adorkette spent Sunday afternoon going up and down the stairs with buckets and towels while my wife emptied them and wrung things out.

But according to Mrs. A, the first thing Adorkette thought of at the time...was my comics.

Naturally, I have to go back to work this morning, but I have Tuesday off so I can help with drying out our washer, dryer and oil burner.

But my lesson of the day is this -

Never underestimate the POWER of family.

I think the kid will stay home from school today. She's earned it. And then some.

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