Tuesday, May 1, 2012

X-O Manowar Part 25: X-O Manowar #10 (November, 1992)

Aric returns to the present…with a present for Ken.

I have this issue.

Aric rises from beneath the south lawn of Orb Industries after being in suspended animation for sixteen hundred years. The good news is he’s completely healed and can leave the armor. The bad news is that he’s so weak he needs Ken’s help to get home. The worse news is that the X-O ring fell off Aric’s hand and is missing.

Over the next few weeks, Aric regains his strength – all the while asking Ken if he’s found the ring, to no avail. Lauren stops by, mad as hell at Aric for standing her up and demanding an explanation. He tells her the whole story about being sent to the Lost Land and being bitten in half by a dinosaur and being buried in the ground for sixteen hundred years, but she doesn’t believe him and storms out.

That night, Aric wakes to Ken screaming at him and tossing him the ring. There are also some Spider-Aliens invading his home. Aric confesses that he knew Ken had the ring all along, and calls to the Good-Skin. It comes in time to surround him, and Aric prepares to kill some more Hard-Skins.

Notes of Interest:
1) It isn’t clear if Aric had the X-O armor call for Ken to meet, or if the armor did that on its own.

2) When Aric dons the armor at the end of the issue, it looks different.

WTF? Moment: Aric managed to regain sixteen hundred years of atrophy in less than four weeks. That’s got to be a record.

WTF? Moment #2: I’m sorry to see Lauren go. It would have been cool for Aric to have a contemporary woman keep up with him and for us to watch that relationship develop.

WTF? Moment #3: Anyone notice how Aric didn’t mention what he was doing when he got bitten in half by the dinosaur?

WTF? Moment #4: Aric’s relationship(s) with women needs to be addressed at some point. He fell in love with Deidre, but was taken from her by the Spider-Aliens. He met Lauren, but was taken from her by Solar and the others to fight in Unity. He “chose” Cayla but lost her during the dinosaur attack and was almost torn apart.

This guy needs a steady girlfriend.

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