Friday, February 8, 2013

WTF? Friday...2/8/13

Let's get to it...
So...Snowstorm "Whatever" is headed our way.
(In fact, I woke up just past 3 this morning to find that it's already here.)
Naturally, I have to work this morning, and while I don't mind driving in it, I'm more concerned about shoveling the driveway when I get back, and the other drivers.
When I heard customers yesterday complaining about the grocery store lines for things like water, I think to myself two things: 1) The storm will be over by Sunday. 2) Water? If you look the snow...and were reeeally could take some of that ever-falling stuff...and bring it inside...and let it melt. Then I look back at #1 and shake my head.

They've got a website and a facebook page, There's also still time to vote on the first two battles they're waging:

Bane vs. Batman and Wonder Woman vs. Harley Quinn.

It's really cool, so go and vote...

It seems that J. J. Abrams' upcoming Star Wars film will be a "stand alone" film...

I'm not sure if that means of a "one-shot" in comics terms, or if it will be the beginning of a separate film franchise, like Guardians of the Galaxy.

...and it will focus on Yoda.

When I heard this, my first question was if it would be a backstory from his youth to Phantom Menace? Or would it bridge the gap between Revenge of the Sith and The Empire Strikes Back - explaining how he ends up on Dagobah. The latter being the better story.

Mrs. Adorkification's first question? "Will he be puppet or digital?"

Good question hon.

There's been talk of Marvel Studios' Phase Two and Phase Three storylines, and I'm fresh out of time and energy right now to do it any justice.

I will go on record saying that they need to bring Mark Ruffalo back.

I don't care how.

I also think that one of Hawkeye's best traits is that in the comics he is (or was back when I read them) 90% deaf, and that should happen in the films too.

More on this in the future...after I dig my way home this weekend.

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