Back in 1993, just about when I stopped collecting, there was a crossover between The Avengers, X-Men, Avengers West Coast (remember them?), and Uncanny X-Men. The story was called Bloodties and it has since been collected in a TPB.
It took place on Genosha, and involved a child torn between both sides. The child in question was Luna - daughter of Quicksilver and Crystal...Magneto's granddaughter - who was kidnapped by Fabian Cortez who wanted to rule Genosha by any means necessary.
In this case, the Avengers and X-Men fought together, but many elements are the same.
So what does this mean?
1) I'm getting too Silver Age readers who threw up their hands when Post-Crisis happened.
2) I really shouldn't complain, and I don't feel that I am, but if AVX gets "the kids these days" to read comics, I'll take it. But I hope they (eventually) look back past their dates of birth and realize there's a whole lot of comics out there to catch up on reading too.
3) Anything that promotes The Avengers movie, I'll also take. Plus, if Marvel is asking me which film franchise to see...if I had to choose...I pick The Avengers.
In Marvel Studios I Trust
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