I know s#!t about this character.
Everything I do know came from blogs and YouTube.
You've been warned...
Episode 5: "AKA The Sandwich Saved Me"
The Good:
And it's at this point Ladies and Gentlemen that I realize the titles of the episodes are mentioned in the damn episodes.
Don't judge.
I worked Black-F**ING-Friday weekend. It's a miracle I can find my face today. But getting back to JJ...
Best. Title. Ever.
Also, best use of an outfit to distract those saved from the face of the one doing the saving. That little girl will forever have a thing for superhero sandwiches.
Moving on...
This episode takes place 18 months ago, making this Pre-Kilgrave Jessica.
I'm STILL liking the cop.
We learn how they met, and they actually get the guy...for a minute and a half.
The Bad:
This doesn't happen.
This neither.
I get why they did the whole "Original Captain America Costume" gag, and looking at that thing she's holding no one in their right mind would wear it, but at least Chris had to wear his once...
The WTF?:

For all her testing herself and learning stuff and, well, buying stuff like high-tech security doors and stuff,
she never thought this would stop her.
She beats herself up about it, and Jessica (rightfully) stops it. But I would think that at least going forward, she'd get her hands on some sort of insulation stuff. Also...
I wouldn't have thought he'd have that type of safeguard in place. Makes damn good sense. Still sucks.
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