Friday, October 2, 2015

WTF? Friday...10/2/2015

I wanna talk about two things:

My love of the Marvel Universe is no secret.
Neither is my love of the MCU.
Then I had an idea - wouldn't it be cool if Marvel did something like the OHOTMU with their MCU?
Why would.
Apparently, my silent thoughts were noted...
Out this month. Sometime.
 HOWEVER... usual, I got issues.
They're doing these (and yes, there will be more - The Incredible Hulk and IM2 will be out in November. Sometime.) not in alphabetical order like OHOTMU, but chronologically by film...
How is that at all helpful? What the hell are they thinking? Why would they do this in this manner?
Mark, may he rest in peace, is probably thinking the same thing.
I have so many questions. Will each issue be organized chronologically or alphabetically? Why are Incredible Hulk and IM2 combined in a flip issue? Will we learn about stuff that was cut from the films or (more importantly) that blipped past us while hiding in the back bottom left corner of the screen for like a second-and-a-half? Will AoS and Agent Carter be included? What about Daredevil and Jessica Jones?

So that's one thing.
Here's the other.
Is Jaimie Alexander done with Sif? Did she lose her memory again only to be taken prisoner by another network? Did someone somewhere watch John Doe and think they could do better?
I don't have a problem with Marvel Studios actors doing other projects. I have a problem with said projects preventing them from coming back to Marvel Studios. I was looking forward to "Sif Episode #3" where we'd learn about Balder, Karnilla, Executioner, Valkyrie or even (Asgard forbid) Enchantress. Is that too much to ask?

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