Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Robin III Part 32: Detective Comics #637 (October, 1991)

This sad, sad tale comes to a close, as Tim helps Bruce save young Fidel Finnegan from the evil clutches of Dr. Wyse.

I have this issue.

Tim is still in Arkham Asylum, wrapped in wires, as he and Batman learn that the reality-warping abilities of videogame master Finnegan are being manipulated by Dr. Wyse, a psychologist on staff at the facility.

Finnegan’s floating head appears again, and helps Tim and Bruce escape by sending them to another part of Arkham. As digital spiders appear and approach them, Tim explains that they’re from yet another game. The duo then create the weapons from the game needed to destroy the spiders to get past them, as well as free Joker, Penguin and Two-Face…who happen to be locked in their cells nearby (?)

The villains attempt to escape, but Tim and Bruce use their fleeing to distract the spiders enough to return to Dr. Wyse’s lair. Using more creatures from more videogames, Wyse’s machinery is destroyed, and Finnegan is freed. Reality returns to normal, and Tim follows Bruce out of Arkham as Finnegan falls into a coma and heads to a hospital.

Notes of Interest:
1) Aside from more providing more proof that he knows his videogames, there’s absolutely no development of Tim’s character this issue.

WTF? Moment: How was Tim able to create weapons out of thin air? I thought that was Finnegan’s ability.

WTF? Moment #2: At one point, Tim almost tripped over a body that was on the floor in a puddle of what looked like blood at which point he said “Yow”…

…Yow? Really?

WTF? Moment #3: This entire issue story was one giant WTF?

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