Friday, December 21, 2012

A Special WTF? Friday...12/21/12

I want to talk about the event that happened last Friday in Newton, CT...

Being a father (of a now 13-year old), I don't mind saying that it scared the hell out of me.

I grew up not far from Newton, and my sister's best friend is a teacher in the Newton School District...
but that's not what I want to talk about.

I want to talk about the fact a parent...nowhere is safe.

Not a school, not a movie theater, not a gas station, not a parking lot, not an airplane or a building in the middle of a city.

And certainly not the internet.

I get the urge to keep Adorkette inside. Seal the doors and windows. Turn everything off. Stay low. Stay quiet. But then I think...

...what if Bilbo never left Bag End...
...what if Jor-El didn't try to save his son...
...what if Tony Stark just built the weapon...
...what if Thomas and Martha Wayne stayed in that night...
...what if we let the zombies win... I fight it. With every fiber of my being.

I'm still scared, and I spend a little of every day fearing the worst. Then I remind myself that by depriving her of living her life, the bastards have already won.

So - the bubble has burst and she's well aware of what's out there, both Good and Evil.

People are going to comment and argue about gun control and the mentally ill until Doomsday (which, by the way, is today).

I'm going to just let them, because in the end...

...nowhere is safe.

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