Saturday, November 5, 2011

Puck Part 14: X-Men/Alpha Flight: The Gift #1 (December, 1985)

Judd (and Alpha Flight) teams up with Logan (and the rest of the X-Men) to see what’s going on at Ungava Bay.

I have this issue in the X-Men/Alpha Flight: The Gift Trade Paperback.

Judd starts out this issue waiting in the…uh, waiting room…at the Sarcee Reservation Medical Center when it gets attacked by Rachel of the X-Men. The fight is over by the time he gets there, and he learns that some “terrible evil” at Ungava Bay is affecting Snowbird and may have brought down a plane carrying Cyclops and several Canadian scientists. It is agreed that both teams should investigate, and Judd manages to get a plane big enough them all to travel together.

When they arrive, they find a field of summer grass and an extravagant castle sitting in the middle of what is, essentially, the arctic north.

They are all met by Cyclops, who welcomes them into the building where the others from the downed plane are waiting. Madelyne, Cyclops’ wife, meets Judd and offers to cure him of his dwarfism. Judd agrees, and becomes over six feet tall. His clothes get reconstructed by Cornucopia, and he enjoys the feast laid out for everyone.

Afterwards, Judd joins the group Cyclops leads to the source of everyone’s abilities - a magic fountain that calls out to Heather, and transforms her into another being with special abilities. Before anyone can celebrate, Shaman’s mystic pouch goes crazy, expelling all kinds of creatures that attack him. Aurora and Northstar manage to get rid of the pouch, and with it the creatures, but Shaman is hurt badly, and Madelyne’s powers can’t cure him.

Notes of Interest:
1) Apparently, Judd has connections that allow him access to a variety of things, including a DeHavilland Otter.

2) Judd’s also an accomplished pilot.

3) This is the first meeting between Judd and: Cyclops, Rachel Summers, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Rogue, Colossus, Lockheed and Professor Xavier.

4) It is hinted here that Judd’s dwarfism may have been caused by something other than genetics.

WTF? Moment: I like how Judd’s first thought at seeing Heather go into the light is to be with her. That’s just sweet.

WTF? Moment #2: I guess we finally see how Judd managed to get from Toronto to Ottawa in Alpha Flight #1 – he flew himself.

WTF? Moment #3: Don’t it just figure that as soon as Judd’s tall enough to look Heather in the eye she has to go and get taller?

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